Monday, September 30, 2019

Causes of Food Allergy

What Causes Food Allergy? Food allergies occur when the immune system mounts an attack on certain proteins in certain foods. The substances in the food that cause this immune system response are called allergens. The immune system is a complex network of cells and molecules that help defend the body against unknown substances. When a properly functioning immune system detects an unknown substance, it responds to this threat by producing proteins called antibodies against the invaders. The antibodies will recognize and attack this foreign substance when they next encounter it.This â€Å"battle† is what causes the allergy symptoms. In food allergy the immune system mistakenly sees a harmless substance in the food as harmful, and churns out antibodies known as immunoglobulin to attack it. These antibodies will circulate in the blood, attached to special cells called mast cells, which are part of the immune system. This occurs in order to protect against future invasion by that su bstance. The next time a person eats that food, the substance to which he is allergic the allergen enters the body, and attaches to the immunoglobulin on mast cells.The mast cells respond by releasing a host of powerful chemicals, including histamine, to protect the body. This produces allergic symptoms. Histamine contributes to inflammation and causes symptoms such as swelling on the skin and itching. It is responsible for the hives, or welts, that appear on the skin when a doctor tests for allergy. These hives show the presence of immunoglobulin and are one of the best indications of allergy. What are the Symptoms of Food Allergy? In an allergy attack, the symptoms experienced depend on where in the body histamine is released.Allergic reactions to foods most often involve the skin, the stomach and intestines, and the mouth and the respiratory system. A life threatening reaction may involve all parts of the body including the cardiovascular system so that the individual goes into s hock this will lead to blood pressure to fall dangerously low. A severe reaction could start very suddenly and involve only a fall in blood pressure or shock. It is important to know that a life threatening reaction may occur with no skin symptoms. Symptoms may appear within minutes or as long as several hours after eating the allergy provoking food.An allergy reaction in the skin may cause hives, itchy, scaly rash called eczema, redness or flushing, and swelling. In the digestive system an allergy reaction may cause stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. An the common respiratory symptoms from an allergic reaction may include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, wheezing, closing of the throat and breathing difficulties, as part of a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis and, itchy, watery eyes are often included with respiratory symptoms. Life-Threatening Reactions (Anaphylaxis)The most severe allergic reaction is anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, a severe reaction tha t involves most of the body. Anaphylaxis can affect several parts of the body at the same time, including the skin and the digestive and respiratory systems or it might just involve respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms. In addition to producing the symptoms of food allergy, it may also lead to difficulty in breathing, falling blood pressure and unconsciousness. Although very rare, anaphylaxis can be fatal. Each year, about 150 people in the United States die of food-related anaphylaxis.Which Foods Cause Allergic Reactions? Virtually any food can trigger an allergic response. However, studies have found that 80 to 90 percent of children with food allergies are allergic to one or more of these foods for example eggs, peanuts, milk, wheat, and soy. Other common triggers include tree nuts such as almonds, pecans, cashews, Brazil nuts and walnuts, and fish and shellfish for example, crab and shrimp. Various other foods and certain food additives and spices may cause allergic reactions. Cross ReactionsSometimes, an individual's allergic reaction to a particular food extends to other foods that contain similar allergens, a phenomenon called cross reactivity. For example, someone who is allergic to peanuts may also have a problem with other legumes, such as soybeans or peas. However, it may be surprising to know that the vast majority of food allergic individuals rarely react to other legumes. In fact, more peanut allergic children seem to be allergic to eggs or tree nuts than to other legumes. Cross reactions can develop between foods with allergens similar to those of other allergy provoking substances, such as plant pollens.Researchers have found, for example, that some people who suffer hay fever symptoms when they inhale birch pollen also have an allergic reaction when they eat kiwi fruit or apples. How do u find out if u have Food Allergies? If you think you have food allergies, you should see an allergist, a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treatin g allergies. If you try to diagnose the problem yourself, you run the risk of removing too many foods from your diet and losing important nutrients. Before making a diagnosis, an allergist will take your medical history and ask whether you have a family history of allergies.The doctor will ask detailed questions aimed at uncovering a possible relationship between the symptoms and your diet, such as, what kinds of symptoms does the suspected food or foods produce? How much time elapses between eating the food and the onset of symptoms? How much of the food do you have to eat to trigger a reaction? How many times has eating the food caused a reaction? When was the last time you had a reaction to the food? These are several questions that the doctor will ask. Controversial Tests and TreatmentsThere are some questionable practices for diagnosis and treatment of food allergies. Tests that are not scientifically valid and are considered experimental including, Blood tests that determine f ood immune complexes and IgG food antibodies. This tests measure substances that all normal people have in their blood. Food immune complexes form after food digestion. IgG includes most of the protective antibodies, including those that form when you receive a vaccine or after an infection. It is unclear whether people with allergies make abnormal amounts of these substances.Cytotoxic test, this test involves adding a food allergen to someone's blood sample and examining the reaction of white blood cells under a microscope. If the cells change shape, decrease or die, the person is thought to be allergic to that food. No proof exists that this test is effective for diagnosing food allergy. Provocation and neutralization, in the subcutaneous under the skin form of this test, a food extract is injected under the skin. In the sublingual under the tongue form, the food extract is placed under the person's tongue.If the person has an allergic reaction, he or she receives more of the subs tance. The belief is that the second dose neutralizes, or relieves, the symptoms. In reality, it can cause a severe allergic reaction. Some doctors use provocation and neutralization to try to desensitize allergic people to foods. But the technique has been found to be ineffective for both diagnosis and treatment of allergies. How to Cope With Food Allergy Most people with food allergies will be put on an elimination diet one from which foods suspected of causing an allergic reaction are removed.It may be difficult to stop eating some foods, such as those made with wheat or milk. Fortunately, there are many foods on the market that substitute for the more common allergy provoking foods. Creating a Food Plan For help in restricting your diet after a food allergy diagnosis, consult your doctor or a registered dietitian. Dietitians can help design a food plan, suggest alternative foods or ingredients to replace forbidden ones, and provide instruction on reading food labels. You may fin d it helpful to use an allergy free cookbook, which gives recipes that omit common food allergens.Prepared allergen free items, such as rice bread and soy beverages, are available at health food stores and some grocery stores. It is not always possible to avoid the offending food. Your physician may give you medication to treat symptoms resulting from food allergies. Avoiding Accidental Ingestion Despite precautions, people with histories of food reactions sometimes unknowingly consume a food to which they are allergic. This can happen when the person is unaware of an ingredient in a dish someone else has prepared.Or perhaps the offending ingredient is not on the label or is expressed in a term that does not clearly describe the ingredient. People with severe food allergies need to be aware that tiny amounts of allergens left on pots, pans, and cooking utensils can contaminate other foods. To avoid this kind of danger, people with severe food allergies are advised to make certain th at pots, pans, and cooking utensils are carefully washed with soap and water after each use to remove any traces of forbidden foods.How Is Food Allergy Treated? Once an allergy is diagnosed, strict avoidance of the offending food or foods is the only proven method of managing the allergy. There is no medical cure for food allergy. However, within the next few years there will be safe and effective vaccines for food allergies. By strictly avoiding the food for one or two years, approximately one third of children and adults can lose their sensitivity to that food. But few children or adults outgrow their allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish.Although there are no medications currently available to treat food allergies, there are drugs on the market to treat symptoms of food allergies. The proper treatment depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. Antihistamines can help control mild reactions. These drugs have side effects, however. Over the counter Antihistamines ca use drowsiness. Your doctor can prescribe an antihistamine that will not make you sleepy. Asthma medication can be useful for people who wheeze during an allergic reaction.In rare instances, food allergies may bring on an asthma attack. These attacks may be very severe. Epinephrine is used to treat anaphylaxis, a life threatening complication of food allergy. Doctors advise people with severe food allergies always to carry a self injecting device loaded with epinephrine or a kit containing a needle and syringe and to inject themselves at the first sign or symptoms. References (2005). Common food allergies. Cortlandt Forum, 18(11), 38-45. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.

Hispanic and Latino Americans Essay

The poem â€Å"Legal Alien† by Pat Mora is in the open poem form, it has no stanzas. It does have a few words that rhyme which are â€Å"English† (5) and â€Å"Spanish† (6) and also with â€Å"Mexicans† (14) and then with â€Å"Americans† (15). The poem also has rhythm, it is a low steady beat. It is a straightforward poem about how life is for a person with the same race/ethnicity as others and at the same time, different from others. The poem â€Å"Legal Alien† is about a woman of Mexican parents, who is born and raised in America. An American citizen established by law, but at the same time this person feels like an illegal alien because of how some people treat her. She is fluent in both, English and in Spanish. Feels American because she is, but at the same time she doesn’t. She is looked at by Americans (Anglos) as inferior, and looked at by Mexicans like she doesn’t belong. They make her feel like she is not one of them, like she doesn’t fit anywhere. â€Å"An American to Mexicans a Mexican to Americans a handy token sliding back and forth between the fringes of both worlds† (14-18). – What this means is that she feels like she could be from both places and at the same time from neither, but on the border of each. Happy, sad, confused, lost but at the same time she tries to cover all her feelings and what she is thinking â€Å"by masking the discomfort† (20) is that she has to grin and bear the fact that she is being condemned for having two nationalities. After reading this poem over and over I can say that I have felt what the speaker mentions in the poem, I have been in her shoes. Yes it’s hard to believe but if you think about it we are all different and at the same time we are all the same. For some people it is hard to accept people of different nationality, but the only thing we can do is to move on. I am Mexican American, also bilingual, with two different cultures, born in America with Mexican parents. I think this poem â€Å"Legal Alien† is a little about racism which is everywhere and it has been around for a long time. I have felt looks from Mexicans and Americans, and to be honest it doesn’t feel that good. But I think that the only thing we can do is to just let it go and live life at the fullest and accept everyone as they are. Race, color, religion, or even language should not matter. In the end, and underneath of it all, we are all the same.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Woolf & Baym

Virginia Woolf takes into consideration the necessary conditions required for the creation of a literary work. She considers the schooling as the first pre-requisite for this purpose. Shakespeare’s sister is a manifestation of that aggravation that women writers felt over the passage of time over the issue of lack of equal opportunities for women in the literary domain. In this way she contemplates over the socio-historical reason for the inability of female writers to create a high quality work.She looks at the female historical experience and relates it with her thesis. She poses a historical questions why great women writers were absent from the literary realm in the early history of English literature and why there no Shakespeare and/or Chaucer; â€Å"Why no woman wrote a word of that extraordinary literature when every other man, it seemed, was capable of song or sonnet. † (p. 363) Her dismay over the absence of any female literary giant turns into anger and gloomi ness when she learns about the pathos and miseries of female life.Although she tries to search for any available evidence on Shakespeare’s sister but lack of substantiation compel her employ her imaginary and fictional faculties in relating the predicaments of Shakespeare's sister. Woolf's theory postulates that â€Å"For genius like Shakespeare's is not born among labouring, uneducated, servile people† because she is of the view that literary genius is a production leisure class activity. She further thinks that financial independence nurtures freedom of thought and action and this elevated flight of imagination can only produce a work of the calibre of Shakespeare.Women of that time were not free from these obstacles, so were unable to produce a great literary piece. There was female talent and genius but they wasted their talent in making money. â€Å"Hundreds of women began as the eighteenth century drew on to add to their pin money, or to come to the rescue of th eir families by making translations or writing the innumerable bad novels†(366) That is the reason that â€Å"She died young – alas, she never wrote a word. She lies buried where the omnibuses now stop, opposite the Elephant and Castle. † (367)Baym has evaluated the American literary landscape and has tried to search for the reasons for â€Å"the critical invisibility of the many active women authors in America. † Nina Baym considers the similar question about the plight of women writers in American history as Woolf described. But her attitude toward the topic is not literary but rather feminist. She says that women writer â€Å"has entered the literary history as the enemy. † (593). Even the serious critics cast doubt about the female writings. She further elaborated her point of view and questioned the female presentation in the American literature by the male writer.She described three form of male suppression that is manifested subtly in literat ure. Firstly, a woman is equalized with nature or landscape instead of her real life-like portrayal. She considers it a form of subjugation done by the conscious omission of real female characters. Secondly, she is of the view that women has been presented as an epitome of â€Å"entrappers† or â€Å"domesticators†. She considers this misrepresentation and distortion of female character as a manifestation of male suppression. She draws upon various literary sources and texts to support her arguments and to arrive at her conclusions.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 17

Management - Essay Example It is to this end that the vital aspect of external validation is crucial, allowing educators to examine the various courses and programs offered. This has been in light of globalization, recent trends and discipline demands, as well as socio-political implications Management education regards the effective administration, utility and coordination of available resources, be it in terms of capital (both human and resources), materials and affiliate auxiliaries. This is towards achieving the defined objectives as found within an institution of learning, with maximum efficiency. Accordingly, this definition of management looks at not only the human resources, but more so the entire arrays of pertinent resources vital towards following a set plan. Thus, it focuses more on efficiency, by way of choosing the best possible path to follow (PewResearchCenter, 2012). Management in education operates primarily within educational organizations, entities involved in one way or the other, in the provision of education services to existing student populations. Accordingly as Harvey (2013) presents, in both theory and practice, it pertains to both the administration and organization of existing systems and establishments of education. As management implies to the presence of an orderly way of thinking and subsequent acting, it hence is descriptive (in operator terms) of what must be done, how it is to be carried out and how to analyze if it has been accomplished. Through external validation, there is present an opportunity through which one is able to distinguish the existing curriculum of a given education setting; from that of other universities and colleges. Through interactive and comprehensive efforts in dealing with prevailing educational practices and standards, there is need for consideration of prevailing dynamics. This is due to the

Leadership Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Leadership Theories - Essay Example The intention of this study is a leadership as an effective tool for any person to establish the idea of an individual and apply the concept to a group of people. For the implementation process an individual needs to possess certain characteristics and qualities to motivate the others and change the behavior of the other person to accomplish the goal. Some of the greatest successes of individuals in the industry have been because of the leadership attributes they possessed and the way they used them to influence others. Thus leadership has been described as the process of social influence in which an individual uses the support and of others for the purpose of accomplishment of tasks. Apart from influencing the behavior of others, leadership plays the crucial role of integrating and utilizing available resources in the external and internal environment for the purpose of attainment of societal and organizational goals. The aim of making a behavioral analysis is to provide individuals with the awareness of his behavioral traits and styles. The awareness helps people understand why he reacts in a certain way in a particular situation and why others react in the way they do. Analysis of the various behavioral leadership styles through proposed by researchers and practitioners would help me understand my leadership traits better and the reasons how they have been accrued. The origin of the behavioral theories was primarily out of the shortcomings of trait theories which were criticized of being inconclusive and incomplete. Some of the attributes like integrity, honesty, diligence and loyalty were not measurable using trait theories and this has triggered the creation of the behavioral school of thought initiated by Douglas McGregor. The emphasis of the theories was primarily on human relationships along with performance and output (Bolden, Gosling, Marturano & Dennison, 2003, p.7). McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y Managers McGregor’s X and Y theory is a simple and salutary reminder of the rules for managing people which are easily forgotten under the pressure of regular businesses. His theory provides some of the basic principles on which the management techniques and styles can be applied. According to his ideas, managers following the theory X generally end in poor results while the enlightened managers following theory Y end up getting better performance and results. Moreover, the enhanced performance also allows for the growth and development of individuals in the organizations (Schermerhorn, 2010, p.38). As per his views managers holding the assumptions of theory X generally believe that people working for them dislike work, lack ambitions, are resistant to change and generally prefer to be guided completely rather than to lead. His other argument is that managers following assumption Y are of the opinion that people are hard working, full of self control, accepts responsibilities, creative, imaginative and are capable to lea d themselves properly (Schermerhorn, 2010, p.38). Resulting from his experience, McGregor presented a summary of the assumptions followed by managers in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

DS Assignment 7 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DS Assignment 7 - Coursework Example This has been worse on countries that have benefited greatly on the monetary policies of the Fed. Higher levels of international liquidity relative to short-term liabilities and lower balance sheet vulnerability to currency depreciation have enabled most countries in the Latin America to withstand any financial breakdowns (Franko, 2006). The fact that Latin America expects to experience an increased economic growth in the current year, reforms geared towards increased productivity have been enhanced and are expected to dominate the forthcoming international talks. The policymakers’ attention has to shift to other macroeconomic aspects given that financial risk problems seem to have been adequately dealt with such as fiscal policy evaluations as well ensuring that the interest rates remain low so as to encourage investments as well as consumption and the exchange rate. This will aid economies that had been badly affected by tapering of the Fed in the previous year provided that they take control of huge current account deficits and reduction of labor costs as well as assets’ valuation (Blair, 1999). The recent financial crisis have triggered new debate on the impact of gender on the economic cycle as well as making policymakers to reconsider earlier studies by (Bullock, 1994) who tried to explore the effect of women in employment on recession. He had earlier suggested that the vulnerability of women could be viewed in three dimensions namely demand side in which the recessionary effects are triggered by the pattern and form of gender segregation. The second dimension is about how women are committed to participation in the labour market and the common belief that women may act as a flexible reserves in who are willing to quit their positions in times of low economic demand. The final view is about a keen consideration of the role played by the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Korb v. Raytheon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Korb v. Raytheon - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Korb was a former Secretary of the Defense between 1981 and 1985, later he joined Raytheon Corporation, which supplied equipment to the army, navy and air forces of the US. For a short period, Korb was appointed as the Vice-President since he could strongly influence the Department of Defense and Congressmen whom he had worked with earlier. The President of Raytheon appointed Korb as the VP in Washington as he felt that Korb had a strong public image and his presence could politically and publically help Raytheon to develop itself. Korb also joined a nonprofit organization titled Committee for National Security (CNS) in December 1985 and this was the organization concerned with the prevention of nuclear armament. One day Korb spoke at a press conference related to defense budgets; he was quoted in the dailies which stated that he was critical of high defense budgets and urged the government to spend less for warships and carriers. His statement was not taken well by the Department of Defense and many of the high-end defense officials complained to Raytheon about Korb's statements. Korb wished to clarify on the statements but in March 1986 his company relieved him of his post. He was given the choice of remaining in office as a special advisor, but at all future speeches, he would have to obtain prior consent. Raytheon also made it clear that Korb would not work in coordination with the Defense Department anymore. Korb was never happy with the deal given by Raytheon, and, hence, in 1987 filed a case to Massachusetts state civil court for a wrongful termination. He cited both the Massachusetts state laws concerning civil rights and the First Amendment of the Constitution in support of his opposition. However, Raytheon wanted the case to be heard on a bigger platform and moved the case to the Federal District Court located in Boston. In order to ensure that he still could win the case, Korb changed his complaint and removed the references to the First Amendment. Since there was no federal involvement, the case was sent back to the Massachusetts state court. The Massachusetts court gave the judgment in favor of Raytheon, though Korb had the freedom of speech. Korb was in fact hired to work as an advocate and spokesperson of the company and if he brought the company in a bad light, then he was ineffective, and the company was right to have fired an ineffective employee. Here Korb was not acting privately as it was his duty to bring about a good public image of Raytheon and by posing that the defense budgets had to be lowered, he was, in fact, tarnishing the name of the company. A company can pursue any legal and ethical cause as it was seen that Korb was harming the name of his company. Korb could be accused of being inefficient and publicly spoiling the name of his company. Korb, in general, had a right to freedom of speech but in this case, his speech directly interfered with his role in the c ompany, for which the court granted the case in favor of Raytheon. Challenges with freedom of speech The court agreed that any person, including Korb, had the right to deliver a speech on a matter of public concern, including nuclear spending. Korb was basically hired to be a spokesperson with Raytheon and if he spoke against Raytheon, it did not interfere with his freedom of speech but was in direct conflict with his role at Raytheon. Hence, Raytheon could dismiss him for being ineffective at his work and, thus, his dismissal could not be considered a wrongful termination.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

CRJS478DB3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CRJS478DB3 - Research Paper Example DNA appears in two stands of polymers, made of simple units known as nucleotides, with X and Y genes (Lazer, 2004). The replication of DNA leads to production of a pair of identical replicas from the mother molecule. This continuous process takes place in all living organisms, and as such, ensures biological inheritance. DNA relates to the genes and chromosomes in such as way that it holds all the information in chromosomes necessary in encoding genes. Chromosomes appear in cells and contain genetic information usually passed down through a given lineage. A gene is a DNA sequence that determines particular traits in these living organisms. The most important usage of DNA tests and analysis is DNA profiling, which entails identification of individuals using the profile of their respective DNAs. Forensic scientists can make use of these profiles in identifying victims of a fire or blast burnt beyond physical recognition, or identifying criminals at a crime scene (Vaughan,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Night, mother by Marsha Norman Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Night, mother by Marsha Norman - Research Paper Example Basing on the plot, we can’t but consider a â€Å"Night, motherâ€Å" to be a dramatic writing. Jessie is so exhausted and upset, her life is so terrible that she considers death to be the blessing. She just wants â€Å"to rest† and the only place she can find calm and rest is another world. Jessie simply can’t see the reasons to live further, she can’t see anything in her life that could hold her to live. Thus her decision seems to be easy to take. â€Å"Jessie knows she could choose to live rather than to die, but she lacks the appetite for the choice† (Burkman). At the same time, we can admit that Jessie’s actions can be motivated by the desire to revenge her mother. Thus, we should also analyze Jessie’ s nature. From this point of view she seems not to be an unhappy victim, but an unforgiving creature. Here Jessie seems to be selfish as she made her mother go through very difficult ninety minutes. Moreover, she warned her about h er intentions and this seems to be done deliberately to make her suffer. We can admit that an unhappy woman parted from her beloved husband, suffering from illness, just turn into a neurotic creature that needs revenge. Really, suicides are never committed only because of despair, the motivation is usually closely connected with the desire to revenge. Thus, we can assume that manipulation is the motivation of Jessie, her main focus. Actually, her mother deserves that. Her mother is too childish, she concentrated her attention only on her own wishes. â€Å"â€Å"Mama hums a tune as she stretches to reach the cupcakes in a cabinet in the kitchen. She can’t see them, but she can feel around for them, and she’s eager to have one, so she’s working pretty hard at it. This may be the most serious exercise Mama ever gets† (Norman 9)†. She is so self-centered that can’t notice the state of her daughter and Jessie can’t find a key to her heart. The dialogues held by a mother and her daughter are very important in the play. A spectator can learn much from these dialogues. By means of different phrases mother and daughter try to reach their goals. Jessie tries to give her mother hints about her real intentions by specifying the locations of different household items: "I asked you if you wanted that swimming towel and you said you didn't" (Norman 19). This was daughter’s answer to the mother’s question that was asked to reveal her intentions. By means of such phrases with hidden sense Jessie manipulates her mother that is why some critics think that Jessie’s main intention was to manipulate. If she simply said: â€Å"mom, I am going to commit suicide†, it would not have such a result. She makes her mother afraid and worried and this is her decision as she wants her mother finally to pay attention to her and her problems. She is exhausted because she feels outcast and left alone with her

Sunday, September 22, 2019

History of Communication Essay Example for Free

History of Communication Essay The history of communication dates back to prehistory, with significant changes in communication technologies (media and appropriate inscription tools) evolving in tandem with shifts in political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. Communication can range from very subtle processes of exchange, to full conversations and mass communication. Human communication was revolutionized with speech approximately 100,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago, and writing in the past few centuries. Petro glyphs The next step in the history of communications is petroglyphs, carvings into a rock surface. It took about 20,000 years for homo sapiens to move from the first cave paintings to the first petroglyphs, which are dated to around 10,000BC. It is possible that the humans of that time used some other forms of communication, often for mnemonic purposes specially arranged stones, symbols carved in wood or earth, quipu-like ropes, tattoos, but little other than the most durable carved stones has survived to modern times and we can only speculate about their existence based on our observation of still existing hunter-gatherer cultures such as those of Africa or Oceania. Pictograms A pictogram (pictograph) is a symbol representing a concept, object, activity, place or event by illustration. Pictography is a form of proto-writing whereby ideas are transmitted through drawing. Pictographs were the next step in the evolution of communication: the most important difference between petroglyphs and pictograms is that petroglyphs are simply showing an event, but pictograms are telling a story about the event, thus they can for example be ordered in chronological order. Pictograms were used by various ancient cultures all over the world since around 9000 BC, when tokens marked with simple pictures began to be used to label basic farm produce, and become increasingly popular around 6000-5000 BC. They were the basis of cuneiform and hieroglyphs, and began to develop into logographic writing systems around 5000 BC. Ideograms Pictograms, in turn, evolved into ideograms, graphical symbols that represent an idea. Their ancestors, the pictograms, could represent only something resembling their form: therefore a pictogram of a circle could represent a sun, but not concepts like heat, light, day or Great God of the Sun. Ideograms, on the other hand, could convey more abstract concepts, so that for example an ideogram of two sticks can mean not only legs but also a verb to walk. Because some ideas are universal, many different cultures developed similar ideograms. For example an eye with a tear means sadness in Native Americanideograms in California, as it does for the Aztecs, the early Chinese and the Egyptians. Ideograms were precursors of logographic writing systems such as Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese characters. Examples of ideographical proto-writing systems, thought not to contain language-specific information, include the Vinca script (see also TÄÆ'rtÄÆ'ria tablets) and the early Indus script. In both cases there are claims of decipherment of linguistic content, without wide acceptance.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Positive thinking

Positive thinking â€Å"Centuries past and still the same. War in our blood, somethings never changes. Fighting for land and personal gain, better your life justify your pain. The end is knocking†. That part of â€Å"Lost† lyric from Avenged Sevenfold maybe can help us to flashback and remind us about our behavior as human being. So much degeneration that we have done and we dont realize the effect of it. There are many aspects that can pull the trigger like violence, destruction culture, consumerism, and pessimism. World is getting old and worst when filled with that kind of people. We need a â€Å"big change†, â€Å"big change† for better future, to reduce or maybe make all of degeneration disappear. Start from myself, and then our self to make this world better. We need to do many things and step by step, such as:  · Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favorable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. Not everyone accepts or believes in positive thinking. Some consider the subject as just nonsense, and others scoff at people who believe and accept it. Among the people who accept it, not many know how to use it effectively to get results. Yet, it seems that many are becoming attracted to this subject, as evidenced by the many books, lectures and courses about it. This is a subject that is gaining popularity. It is quite common to hear people say: Think positive, to someone who feels down and worried. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they do not know what they really mean, or do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know, who stop to think what the power of positive thinking means? So the first thing that we have to do is thinking positively. Positive thinking is the first and the main point that we have to do. Without positive thinking, all we are going to do is useless and worthless. When we start something, we must think that all we are going to do is success and worthy. And when we meet hindrance, still think positively (think about our goal, that we must reach it). Then see the result is better than usual. Imagine if we work something without positive thinking, we will feel the †pain† of process, and the result is worse than we think before. Our mind affect our behavior and mood, so never think about bad things in bad mood or bad things will come suddenly and unexpected. Bad mood plus bad situation can also made someones intend to suicide. Suicide is the common event in this life nowadays. People got stress and depressed plus negative thinking, no problem solving and suicide. We must stop it, because suicide is a big sin, and God will never forgive everyone who do the suicide. So if we want to change our bad behavior for better life and to change the world, trust to our self that we can do it, and start from small things for big change by our self. The following story illustrates how this power works: Tom applied for a new job, but as his self-esteem was low, and he considered himself as a failure and unworthy of success, he was sure that he was not going to get the job. He had a negative attitude towards himself, and believed that the other applicants were better and more qualified than him. Allan manifested this attitude, due to his negative past experiences with job interviews. His mind was filled with negative thoughts and fears concerning the job for the whole week before the job interview. He was sure he would be rejected. On the day of the interview he got up late, and to his horror he discovered that the shirt he had planned to wear was dirty, and the other one needed ironing. As it was already too late, he went out wearing a shirt full of wrinkles. During the interview he was tense, displayed a negative attitude, worried about his shirt, and felt hungry because he did not have enough time to eat breakfast. All this distracted his mind and made it difficult for him to focus on the interview. His overall behavior made a bad impression, and consequently he materialized his fear and did not get the job. Bagus applied for the same job too, but approached the matter in a different way. He was sure that he was going to get the job. During the week preceding the interview he often visualized himself making a good impression and getting the job. In the evening before the interview he prepared the clothes he was going to wear, and went to sleep a little earlier. On day of the interview he woke up earlier than usual, and had ample time to eat breakfast, and then to arrive to the interview before the scheduled time. He got the job because he made a good impression. He had also of course, the proper qualifications for the job, but so had Tom. What do we learn from these two stories? Is there any magic employed here? No, it is all natural. When the attitude is positive we entertain pleasant feelings and constructive images, and see in our minds eye what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even the health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall and the voice is more powerful. Our body language shows the way you feel inside. Positive and negative thinking are both contagious. All of us affect, in one way or another, the people we meet. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through thoughts and feelings transference, and through body language. People sense our aura and are affected by our thoughts, and vice versa. Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people and avoid negative ones? People are more disposed to help us if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity. Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment. * Change our bad habits (consumerism, destroying culture, materialism, pessimism) Pessimism is the easiest problem to solve, by positive thinking pessimism will disappear from life. Remember the quote â€Å"Nothing impossible in this world†, and it can help more effective. Consumerism and materialism are similar disease in social life. Both of them suffer young generation and made young generation becomes lazy and spoiled. The only way to clean up this mess is feeling the hardest parts in this life. For parents, dont give your children much money. Try to teach your children become normal children, not extravagant children. Also teach them to fasting so that they can feel how real world is it. Start from early age so that make good result at mature age. It really works and brilliant. And the last, destroying culture is the big deal. We need cooperation between society and law apparatus to stop this problem. Destroying culture and bullying appears when rules and norm in social life are not obeyed. * Reduce the damage of Earth Global warming is the process of increasing the average temperature of the atmosphere, ocean, and earth. Factors causing: Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Exploitation of Nature. Greenhouse Effect. Other Climate Change Earth a very important role for mankind. Together we began to think about Earth Day and for our next generation. Starting from yourself, family, environment, until finally all can participate in this action green. * Change our personality and behavior become better Personality influenced by the character of a person who carried since birth, and the everyday environment. Personality is formed and performed with the special features in the form of thinking and patterns, good or bad. According to a psychologist, bad personality can be changed by way of notice and change what we say. Less good personality usually will shine through the words of the negative, dropped or not pleasant. Our words is very important not only for other people who hear, but for ourselves. The habit of saying negative or dirty will influence our actions. The Book of Romans says that faith comes from hearing. What we say will be heard by our ears. When we heard it many times, then it will be our faith or belief. We will do what we believe. When we act poorly, then people would not like to hang out with us. A good way to control our words is to keep our hearts. The words that came out of the mouth come from the heart. Heart full of anger and bitterness will get the words out spicy and bitter. Instead, a quiet heart and peace will get the words peace, too. The Book of Proverbs says, Guard your heart with all vigilance, for the wellspring of life. There is the notion that an individuals personality may not be changed. There is also a saying that to change ones personal character, it would take the persons lifetime. In China there is even a proverb is quite funny, stated that changing ones personal character, is like iron sharpening a stick until it becomes as small as a sewing needle. Making a small needle with a way to hone an iron rod, of course, take a long time, besides that it also takes determination, perseverance, spirit, personal commitment really tough; so that one day a steel rod would really be a small needle. Well thats a true fact about the changing of a character or personality traits, which is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. I personally strongly disagree if there is the notion that a persons personal character can not be changed. If it turns out someone does not change the character himself for the better, although he has attended various training seminar or self-development training; it is no fault of seminars or training, but these people do not want change, do not want to spend a little time and energy to make change for the better. I am sure, that a mental attitude or personality traits a person must still be changed, although it certainly takes time and effort should really exceptional prime. One thing the essential truth that you need to understand, namely: personal character or the mental attitude must be changed. People are never too old or too young to be able to change his personality is more positive, better, and start a new life with a more productive, creative, innovative and courageous to take risks in achieving the desires and aspirations. A baby in the womb since would have received a lot of influences, both from the nutrients consumed by the mother; and the mental attitude of the mother during conceived him. After the baby is born into this world, influences that will attack increased in numbers in terms of quantitative and qualitative. During our childhood, until they become adults like this; often still vividly imagined how the journey of our lives, our personal growth, which is never free from the influence of our surroundings, especially the influence of the attitudes of our own parents and the people a very close relationship with us. Still fresh in reminding us, how our parents told us that unfortunately; so without them knowing it, his attitude is too fond of us that actually handcuff our freedom to express our own identity. The attitude of parents who over protective that in turn will imprison our true identity; so that we can not be ourselves. You yourself must still remember, your parents often forbid you to do the activity or activities you enjoy. If the activity or your activity is dangerous, it can be understood. But in fact, often parents forbid their children to do something only as a custom forbids only. Parents often perceive a wrong in the form of restrictions, by not realizing the negative impact of the restrictions on the future of the child. Examples of restrictions, for example: when the child wants to bathe himself, is prohibited on the grounds cant clean up his body; when the child is going to buy a pencil at the shop next door, also not to be alone, afraid to fall and lose money; when the child wants to switch on the radio own parents did not allow the reasons for the wave frequency will not be fit, or worry about his son got a shock. These restrictions, in essence is actually not believe the ability of the child, in turn, will make the child in later adulthood is also becoming a not believe in itself. Pain is not confident it will continue to rub off on the child until he grew up. Apart form of prohibitions, many parents like to express excessive resignation to the conditions existing in themselves to their children. Examples of excessive resignation can you see this as follows: one point passed in front of his house a luxury car and of course expensive, and the boy said in amazement to her parents, Pa-Ma, it is a nice car yes. I wish we had . His parents answered, Thats not our right, son. The car we just have a listen, do not need fancy, its not our livelihood, sustenance that others. As a walk through a luxury housing complex, again the boy said, Luxury and beautiful house, yes, if we also have, the parents immediately responded, Weve given a provision by God, it must be accepted and grateful. Do not be tempted by other people. Life is already a set . Thats about to be examples of parents who too submissive, nrimo ing pandum with what he already had. Unconsciously excessive resignation of these parents will actually seep into the childs mind and become a pattern of thinking in the future, later on when she was an adult. Grateful for the gift of God you must, but too resigned for what he received was an excessive manner, because it will develop character and inferior attitude within us, an attitude of contempt for himself, not trusting himself, and it will hinder success. Theres more the attitude of parents who also have not been proportionate actually, but it also has become common practice. That attitude is an attitude that tends to frighten the child. An example, for instance: Do not go to the field, then there is the snake. Watch out, the river is haunted. Be careful when dark, lots of fine spirits. Do not do that, would be wrong. And many more forms of expression of parents, which is basically also do not believe in the child, because over protective of her son. Statements of parents who tend to frighten the program will have a negative impact on mental and emotional development of the child to an adult one day. In the end it was up to her adult children to be always easy to be afraid to do something, might even be a paranoid; a form of fear of excessive and unreasonable illogical. In turn, the child becomes a private person who always not confident, an easy person shaky foundation; person who always giddy in determining the attitude, which it clearly would be prohibitive and the biggest obstacle in reaching their goals in the future. How to approach the wrong parents like these, really going to seep into the subconscious mind of the child, which eventually form part of personal character and mental attitude. Examples of attitudes of parents to children, as I mentioned above that, a very important role in shaping the mental attitude, the soul of someones personality; and formations that can be very powerful in a person due to take place in a long time, tens of years. Thus, it is to change an attitude, character or personality is not easy; takes time and effort to make change for the better. But the important thing here is: the character or personality that can be changed. Here are some steps to help us to change our personality become better: Reflect to something that have been made That does not mean you have to remember all the bad things that have been done and repeat it again, but just try to recall errors and start to plan how to change the attitudes that have hurt other people. Then promise to yourself to transform themselves into better. Begin to keep saying Indonesian quote says, â€Å" Mulutmu harimaumu†. Therefore, be careful of his own mouth. Never again hurt the feelings of other people with piercing words spoken, private practice being a pleasant and courteous manner. Listen to the advice of older people One of the things that make you like a lot of people are now able to be a good listener. Because of that, try to look at how you interact with others. Are you always dominate the conversation or not? If the answer is yes, then try to learn to listen. Do not be too busy praising themselves. Give a positive response to conversations with your people. Do not let someone else feel uncomfortable with your presence. If you have a temper, sensitive, often complain, and rarely smiled, now its time you change all the properties and change your bad personality who always expected his arrival wherever located. In conclusion, if we want to change the world and human being become better than now, we must start from ourselves, change our attitude and believe that we are going to success to change the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Professional Discourses in the Nursing Career

Professional Discourses in the Nursing Career Discourses Communication Terminology Abstract There are discourses in the nursing career that one must possess in his or her nursing ability. These discourses include communication, medical terminology, patient care, patient confidentiality, and proper hygiene. The listed discourses are only a broad spectrum of the skills needed in the nursing profession. One has to be a committed individual who wants to help people. He or she cannot just go through the motions and expect to keep a job, which is why the discourses of the nursing profession are crucial to know. Professional Discourses in the Nursing Career Discourse Once a person becomes adapted to his or her own professional community, he or she has become involved, learned the language, practiced the proper mannerisms, and developed a familiarity with the surroundings. In the profession of nursing, a person must learn all this and more. He or she should become familiar with the medical terminology, recognize the required hygiene, and know how to care for patients in a respectable and caring way. Discourse is important in every aspect of life, but when it comes to the profession of nursing, knowing the discourse is key for success. Types of Discourse Communication The most important discourse in the profession of nursing is communication. It is crucial to be able to communicate properly with doctors as well as other nurses; it could be the difference between life and death. A way doctors and nurses communicate with each other is through documenting patient information. A nurse must always remember to read as well as document patient information with every visit. Within an article out of the Journal of Advanced Nursing, 15-20% of the time working as a nurse is spent documenting patient information (Butler, Hyde, Irving, MacNeela, Scott, Treacy, 2006). Not only is it important to communicate through patient information, but it is also essential that a nurse understands the terminology used in patient documents. Medical Terminology The second most important discourse in the nursing profession is being able to understand the terminology that is used between the medical staff. Not only the ability to understand, but to also be able to pronounce the complicated words that can be used is also very important. The word hepatocholangitis can be a very difficult word to say and to understand. A strategy a nurse would use to recognize what the word means is to break apart the word into word roots and suffixes. A word root gives the fundamental meaning of the word and a suffix modifies its meaning (Brooks, 2005). The word contains two word roots, which are hepat (liver) and cholang (bile duct). The â€Å"o† between the two word roots is called a combining vowel and is used to ease pronunciation (Brooks, 2005). Lastly, the suffix is itis (inflammation). When starting with the suffix, the term hepatocholangitis is defined as an inflammation of both the liver and the bile ducts (Mosby’s Dictionary, 2006). In order for a nurse to distinguish between what the words are as well as their meanings is to understand the meanings behind the words that are used within the medical language. If the terminology used within the medical field is understood completely, then it is easier to communicate with other medical staff and more importantly, the patients. Patient Care How to talk to patients as well as helping patients understand how to comprehend what may be wrong with them is important in the medical field. Doctors tend to give the specific terminology that many patients do not understand, whereas nurses are the ones who explain what the doctor has said in simpler terms. Another discourse that can be included in the nursing profession is the ability to communicate with patients directly and to comfort patients as well as their family and friends. Nurses must be alert and quick to respond because they are usually the first people in a patient’s room. According to Tarlier (2004), building responsive relationships with patients will gain the respect, trust and mutuality from the patient. This can provide the framework of caring relationships between nurses and patients. If a nurse is alert and able to communicate with patients on a level that they understand, then that nurse has become more than just a nurse; he or she has become a person with morals. Tarlier states â€Å"for each one to take on the needs, wishes, desires of others and make them into his goal is the beginning of ethical† (p. 233). To be able to put aside the needs or wants of oneself can be a hard thing to do for some people. To be a nurse, a person has to be willing to care for a patient not to follow the rules, but by explaining things, making small talk with them, being responsive, and to be their friend. The kind of trust a patient has towards a nurse can alter that patient’s attitude towards that hospital, which is why gaining the trust of patients is key. It all starts with patient confidentiality and if patients can actually trust the hospital with their most personal information, they will have more confidence in their nurses as well as their doctors. Patient Confidentiality A nurse has to make sure that patient documents do not fall into the wrong hands. The misplacement of one chart could cost not only the trust of the patient and the patient’s family, but the hospital’s reputation as well as thousands of dollars. There are certain regulations that control what can be shared outside of the patient’s room. A person must value the desires of patients who do not want certain information shared unless it is information that would put others at risk of serious harm or death (Beech, 2007). Patient confidentiality is an important discourse in the profession of nursing because of the personal information that is shared between a patient and his or her nurse. Patient confidentiality is important in all health care facilities and a nurse should know the proper ways in how everything is documented as well as who is authorized to view those documents. Not only should a nurse know the appropriate ways of where to put documented information, but a nurse should also be familiar with the hygiene required in heath care facilities. Proper Hygiene Hospital acquired infections are some of the leading causes of illnesses in today’s world. It is important to know the proper hygiene in caring for patients. Bacteria such as Staphylococcal aureus, commonly known as Staph infections, can by transmitted very easily from direct contact. Staph infections are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics. A new known â€Å"super bug†, called MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureaus), has been known to take more American lives each year than the AIDS virus; that is 19,000 people each year (Bloice, Hallinan, 2007). The most important aspect when it comes to proper hygiene is hand washing. It is crucial for nurses to wash their hands each time they enter and exit a patient’s room. Hand washing is the best habit a nurse can get into. It is one of the many helpful routines in preventing the spread of MRSA (McDonnell, 2007). There are also many other helpful ideas when it comes to the prevention of spreading infection. These ideas need to be known by nurses everywhere no matter if they are working in a hospital, nursing home, or even in schools. Interview Prioritize In an interview with a registered nurse, Jacklyn Brambrink was able to give some useful information about what she thinks is the most important discourse out of the ones that have been discussed. She believes that communication is the most important because in order to do anything in the nursing career, a person has to be able to communicate with the staff as well as the patients no matter what. She also believes that a nurse must be able to prioritize as well as be able to make judgment calls when it comes to tough situations (personal communication, February 13, 2008). There are everyday jobs a nurse has to know how to do. When Jaclyn made the point about prioritizing, she really stressed the idea. It is key for a nurse to know when a job needs to be done and when a different job is not as critical. Just like communication, it could be the difference between life and death. Conclusion There is much more to the profession of nursing than to just be able to communicate, know the terminology, and know the proper ways in preventing the spread of infection. The discourses that have been listed are the basis of being successful in the profession of nursing, but there is much more to know. Just knowing these discourses is not going to help a person get through nursing school. A nurse has to be dedicated and has to be willing to learn new things. New discoveries are being found almost every day in the medical field and a nurse has to be eager to want to continue his or her education throughout his or her entire nursing career. A nursing student should be aware of all this information and more, so they know what to expect. By going through the motions will not work in the nursing profession. If a committed, caring and knowledgeable individual wants to enter the nursing field, he or she has to be prepared for all of the challenges that medical professionals face every day. Once that person is ready and aware of those challenges, he or she will make a great nurse. References Beech M. Confidentiality in heath care: conflicting legal and ethical issues. Nursing Standard. 2007;21:42-46. Bloice C, Hallinan C. The Return of Germ Welfare. Registered Nurse. 2007;103(9):12-13. Brooks ML. Exploring Meidcal Language. 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Mosby; 2005. Butler M, Irving K, Hyde A, MacNeela P, Scott A, Treacy M. Discursive practices in the documentation of patient assessments. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2006;53(2): 151-159. McDonnell P. Don’t forget to wash your hands. Ophthalmology Times. September 15, 2007;32(18):4.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tablet PC Essay -- Technology Computers

TABLET PCs Combines Simplicity of Paper with Full Power of Windows-Based Computing For the past few years, the Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) has grown tremendously popular. However, due to size restrictions, it has always served as a secondary device to the desktop computer. So a number of hardware manufacturers unveiled a new form of communication, the Tablet PC. What exactly is a Tablet PC? It is a notebook PC with a touch-sensitive screen and is a bit larger than the size of a sheet of paper. Tablet PCs will have two formats: the "convertible" model with an integrated keyboard and a display that rotates 180 degrees that can be folded down over the keyboard, and the "slate" style with a removable keyboard. It allows users to save their written input either as images or as converted text. It is very similar to a PDA, only larger and more powerful, and weighs less than today's laptops yet is fully configured for PC operations and Internet applications. By combining the best qualities of a PDA and laptop, the Tablet PC can be used in applications where a lap top would be too bulky, and a PDA would not be powerful enough. In the past, field service workers with mobile devices tended to have only one application on their device. With the Tablet PC operating system, they can connect and use many more applications. A long-cherished goal for technology visionaries and computer designers, the Tablet PC will represent the next major evolution in PC design and functionality. While retaining the full power to run all existing Windows-based software applications, the Tablet PC expands enterprise computing to address previously unmet needs, such as the ability to take notes at meetings, annotate existing electronic documents and ... ...ning up businesses to the world, the use of a Tablet PC will be even more beneficial when sharing information across continental lines. The Tablet PC platform has established itself as one of the computer industry’s most promising innovations. Free from cables and keyboard, the Tablet PC provides a compact, easily portable device which is both stylish and ultimately practical. It has all the power to run common productivity applications anywhere and all the graphics performance to maximize the Internet experience. Moreover, with the widespread and increasing adoption of WLAN connection technology, Internet browsing and e-mail are becoming more accessible. Although at the moment, the Tablet PC technology is still in its infancy, the ever improving technology will make Tablet PCs more user friendly and practical which brings us one step closer to a paperless society.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Kids Worst Nightmares :: essays research papers

Kid’s Worst Nightmare   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The worst nightmare for a child in elementary school is to hear his/her teacher say they will have no recess. Most children look forward to recess every day and some could even play everyday all day if they could. It is a time for them to let off all the stress that has built up from school work, and a time for them to be themselves. The council on Physical Education for Children agree that recess is a necessity, they state that â€Å"Recess is a time that gives children opportunities to engage in physical activity, to developing, healthy bodies which in return would create healthy minds and bodies that would be capable for learning† (COPEC, 2001). Recess is needed in all schools because it is healthy for all children, it improves social skills with one another, and it revitalizes the children.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Recess is an important part of child development in Elementary Schools because it allows the children to get the necessary exercises they need, which is healthy for all children. Due to some parents’ work loads, community violence, and safety issues some children are unable to play freely. As a result of these issues, children are leaning more towards watching television, playing video games and other inactive activities that endanger their health (Jarrett, 2003). Therefore, children are at high risk for early signs of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Recess is a way that Elementary schools help prevent health issues in some children’s lives. It also serves as a developmentally appropriate strategy for reducing stress. Olga S. Jarrett did a study on recess, she stated that â€Å"Recess allows children to be active which will make the child more assertive and able to focus on their class work when he/she starts on it† (Jarrett, 2003). Jarr ett also study how recess works with the brain and she concludes that â€Å"Recess involves that valuable, unstructured downtime, that research says is crucial for recycling brain chemicals that formulate long term memory† (Jarrett, 2003). During play, children breathe in oxygen which helps fuel their brains, creating more connections between neurons. This helps their brain to process information, and leads to better grades. Recess also helps with the development of children’s social skills and in the long run, being an adult in society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While children play, they are still learning; they are learning life-long skills that will help them as adults. Skills such as working together, resolving conflicts, motor skills, and cognitive abilities are being taught.