Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Communication Is A Voluntary Or Involuntary Act Essay

Communication is a voluntary or involuntary act. What and how we communicate affects not only us, but also the receiver of the message. Sometimes we can communicate differently according to whom we are speaking to. This may cause the receiver of the message to feel offended, uncomfortable, or confused. During the course of this paper I will cover five case studies of communication as well provide analyze how they can affect situations depending on how they are communicated. The first communication concept is coed switching. In the book â€Å"Communication Matters† coed switching is defined as, â€Å"Verbal and nonverbal behaviors whose meanings are often understood only by people from the same culture (Floyd 48).† In case video one, this concept is exemplified. The young man and woman talk about a new movie coming out. They are equally excited about this movie and rave about the great reviews they have read. As they speak, they use a communication concept know as jargon . Jargon is a communication style that is understood by others in the same co-culture (Floyd 48). However, when their professor stops by to ask if they have any questions on an upcoming project, both the young man and woman act differently. They no longer slouch and use the same jargon they were when talking to each other. This is the concept of coed switching. The two students act and speak differently to the professor than they would to each other because they stand in two different co-cultures. 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